Sunday, August 21, 2016

A Reflection on Educational Technology 2 (Lesson 1-12)


                The Educational Technology 1 course made the learners be aware of the technology used in education such as instructional technology, educational media and audio-visual aids that helps the teacher to give a more effective and interesting learning. It also oriented the learners about the dangers of dehumanization which technology brings into societies. And introduce learners to what is recognized as the third revolution in education, the computer.

                Educational Technology 2 on the other hand is concerned with “Integrating Technology into teaching and learning”, giving hands-on experiences in the application of computer skills. Especially that today’s learners are already computer literate. But there are also some gaps that must be bridged. New generations are expected to face the future professional challenge of a digital world that is why technology supported skills need to be taught in schools.

                 Before, students read text books for their research, projects and assignments, they are independent learners who are used to working individually, while the new generation of learners are more social, they love to work with groups, wherein they can exchange different ideas and come up with better results. They also have lots of sources to where they would get the information they need for their schoolwork. And their learning is conducted in a fun, relevant and instantaneous ways.

                There are also called fluency skills that teachers need to develop in their digital learners. These are solution, information, collaboration, media, creativity and digital fluency to equip students for success in the millennial world. And because we are now in a digital age, we need to adapt the digital learning. This is a literacy that uses digital tools in preparing students in facing a high-tech world. Evaluation must be geared to assessment of essential knowledge and skills so that learners can function effectively, productively and creatively in a new world.

                Higher thinking skills and creativity must be develop among learners and these can be attain using the four IT-based projects namely resource-based projects, simple creations, guided hypermedia projects and web-based projects.

                As we are facing an evolving digital world, computers are used as information and communication technology. Soon computer-assisted instruction was introduced using the principle of individualized learning. We can also view computer as a tutor allowing individual students to learn at their own pace, motivate learning through information needed during the learning process, evaluate students responses through immediate feedback and give total score to evaluate the total performance.

                Computer is also viewed as the teacher’s tool in teaching that supports the constructivist and social constructivist paradigms of learning. Computers are employed as information, communication, constructive, co-constructive and a situating tool.

                And because our curriculum now is student-centered, unlike the traditional in which context is given much importance, technology is here as support. Student-centered classroom (SCL) makes their students active not passive learners wherein they interact with other learners, are independent and aware of the learning process. 

                Even if in some less developed countries, you as a teacher must make shift from traditional to student-centered learning for the new trend in teaching-and-learning is at the tip of our fingers. You must make the effort for achieving change for the fact that it will not only make your students absorb and understand the lessons well but it will be an easier task for the teacher because with the use of technology, teaching and learning process will be fast, efficient, fun, easy and effective and of course it will prepare your students to be globally competitive professionals someday.

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